SDG 16


Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.


Rates of birth registration and prevalence of bribery are two examples of indicators included in this goal.

AI is enabling data analysis and governance, promoting justice, and strengthening institutions for inclusive and peaceful societies. In the following we observe the intentional homicides counts (per 100,000 people).

This perspective offers a real-time view of the worldwide news on justice-related topics, providing us with a media perspective on the progress at the different fronts of SDG 16.


Developed in collaboration with 

A SDG Live Report is what it is all about! Here, you can have a real-time perspective of the state of the world in regard to AI and sustainability, tracking some of the main issues to address in the near future.

AI has significantly impacted the progress of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16), which focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Between 2015 and 2023, there have been 168,364 scientific publications examining the role of AI in enhancing governance, improving legal systems, and fostering transparency and accountability. These studies highlight AI’s potential to detect and prevent corruption, analyze legal documents for judicial efficiency, and support data-driven decision-making in public administration. Despite relatively low media exposure, with only 6,431 news articles, there is a growing recognition of AI’s role in strengthening institutions and promoting justice. Furthermore, the development of 204 AI policies targeting SDG 16 reflects a commitment from policymakers to integrate AI into governance and legal frameworks, ensuring that AI technologies contribute to building more effective and inclusive institutions.

Looking ahead, the next 5 to 10 years are expected to witness significant advancements in AI applications for promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions. AI-driven tools for detecting fraudulent activities and monitoring government transactions will become more sophisticated, enhancing efforts to combat corruption and improve transparency. Machine learning algorithms will be increasingly used to analyze large volumes of legal texts, helping to streamline judicial processes and improve access to justice. AI will also play a crucial role in conflict prevention and resolution by analyzing social and political data to identify early warning signs of unrest and enabling timely interventions. As awareness of AI’s potential in promoting SDG 16 grows, collaboration between governments, civil society, and technology companies will be essential to ensure that AI-driven innovations are implemented ethically and responsibly. This collaborative effort will accelerate progress towards SDG 16, fostering more peaceful, just, and inclusive societies globally.


Developed in collaboration with the European Commission project 

Here is your window to how AI is impacting peace and justice worldwide. This dashboard is configurable and can be integrated into other systems to bring actionable technology into the systems of research institutions, governments and enterprises that are willing to make a difference.



Developed in collaboration with the European Commission project 

Avoiding data bias in AI systems is crucial to ensure fair, accurate, and equitable outcomes, preventing the reinforcement of existing inequalities and enabling more trustworthy and inclusive technologies. Here you will see a dashboard analysing the bias related to the data ingested in this observatory for SDG 16.

For analysis we use OECD AI Policy documents. Some of those documents are very large, and we split each document into smaller parts (so called “chunks”), which can contain multiple paragraphs. The reason for this is to prepare data for easier analysis with large language models, so called Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is an advanced technique that combines retrieval-based methods with generative models to improve the performance of tasks such as question answering, text generation, and other natural language processing (NLP) applications. For each chunk then the sentiment is computed based on VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) methodology. Since VADER is known to have weak multilingual capabilities, all the documents were machine translated into English first.

While the results of this procedure are reliant not only upon the accuracy of the sentiment analysis tool, but also upon the accuracy of machine translation, it is important to stress that sentiment analysis is less sensitive to common machine translation problems than other usages, because sentiment analysis usually focuses on identifying the polarity (positive, negative, neutral) of a text rather than understanding its full semantic content. Also, sentiments in text are often expressed redundantly, which can help mitigate the impact of translation errors. As a result, minor translation errors that do not alter the overall sentiment and do not significantly impact the sentiment analysis is possible.

For the purpose of this analysis, they computed the average sentiment of (chunks of) AI policy documents for each country. We are presenting the visualisation of average sentiment of countries’ AI policy documents on the map. Since AI policy documents are mostly documents of legal nature (acts, policies, regulatory and governance frameworks), the sentiment should be mostly neutral, however, the analysis shows that there are country differences.

VADER computes positive, negative and neutral sentiment. Each of those values are between 0 and 1. The score indicates the proportion of text that is considered positive, negative and neutral. The sum of negative, positive, and neutral sentiment scores always equals 1, however in practice the sum of three sentiment scores can sometimes slightly exceed or fall below 1 due to floating-point precision errors or rounding issues that occur during computation.


Developed in collaboration with the European Commission project 


Key indicators that report on the status of water sustainability will further understanding of this important topic. With this tool, you can utilize drop-down menus and animations to explore the various aspects of and progress towards SDG 1.

This view offers the individual perspective at each of the indicators in order to disentangle the parameters in the global/local indicator view and have a better perspective of the evolution of the indicator through time across regions and countries. Select the SDG-related indicators from the dropdown menus. Scroll down to analyse the curves of the selected indicators represented per country.

The data is sourced from well-established open data providers such as UN Stats and the World Bank, through the SDG Tracker initiative of Our World in Data.

Note that the insight provided by this visualisation is indicative as the data coverage is not always complete for all world countries. Nevertheless, it allows us to provide a signal that can be explored in what regards the multilevel relations between SDG indicators.

Here you can observe the influence as captured by the SHAP value, exposing the influence of the top 25 features in the .

Here you can observe the causality of the most relevant indicators, captured by transfer entropy map for three different influential factors.

This view offers the perspective to SDG 1 Markov Chain analysis of countries including relation between states and overall hierarchy, using Streamstory.ijs.si.


The media room exhibits insight from world and local news, aiming to identify SDG-related events from millions of worldwide multilingual news, and to exhibit best practices towards solving SDG-related problems. This is offered in collaboration with EventRegistry.

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In this view you can explore the different topics and subtopics related to the signal of worldwide news related to the selected SDG.

The data is provided by the AI news engine Event Registry with whom we collaborate with. Visit eventregistry.org for more visuallisations on worldwide news queries, and to try their News API.

This visualisation exposes the intensity of news published in the main topics of the selected SDG and the impact that AI has on it, exposing the newsworthiness of that impact worldwide and on a timeline. Chose an SDG topic and use the slider to visualise the geographic incidence of its news coverage.

This is done in collaboration with the AI news engine Event Registry in the context of the European Commission-funded project ELIAS – European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability.

Review the worldwide news, social media posts and forum discussions published on SDG-related topics, using interactive data visualisation that can help better refine the search parameters.

This is done in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Institute Jozef Stefan, in the context of the European Commission-funded project RAIDO.


This perspective is providing the IRCAI user with the access to text-mining tools to improve effectiveness in reviewing a topic over a large dataset of published science and patented technology.

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Here we can observe the research trends related to this SDG you chose represented as a Gantt chart. We are only visualising the 15 most relevant trends detected in the selected SDG, some of which being related to other SDGs and coulored accordingly.

The data is sourced on OpenAlex including more than 128 million articles published worldwide since the 40’s. This provide us with a view of the main SDG topics to take into consideration across time.

Here we observe the relation between the concepts (edges) relevant to the selected SDG and the relations between those concepts, stronger or weaker according to the amount of articles where these are topics in common.

The data is sourced on OpenAlex including more than 128 million articles published worldwide since the 40’s. It was first developed in the context of the European Commission-funded project NAIADES, now extended from the target SDG 6 to all the 17 SDGs.

Review the published research and submitted patents about SDG-related topics, building global knowledge, using interactive data visualisation that can help better refine the search parameters. Use the search bar and the search pointer to explore the available data. Click on the items to access the original data sources.

This is done in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Institute Jozef Stefan, in the context of the European Commission-funded project RAIDO.


The observation of policies applied worldwide on SDGs is fundamental to better understand the progress of the global action. Explore the topics related to the legal and regulatory landscape from open data using sophisticated data analytics and machine learning methods.

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Here we can observe the current weight of the SDG topics in the policy and legislation landscape related to the selected SDG based. Mouse-over the rectangles in the SDG barcode to identify the relevant topics in the policies related to the SDG you chose.

The initial policy data is sourced with OECD.AI in the context of the European Commission-funded project AI4GOV.

Observe in time the relations between concepts automatically identified in the legal & regulatory landscape, and their relation according to their frequency and the SDG represented in these policy documents.

The initial policy data is sourced with OECD.AI in the context of the European Commission-funded project AI4GOV.

Review the published research and submitted patents about SDG-related topics, building global knowledge, using interactive data visualisation that can help better refine the search parameters. Use the search bar and the search pointer to explore the available data. Click on the items to access the original data sources.

This is done in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Institute Jozef Stefan, in the context of the European Commission-funded project RAIDO.


Education is key for progress and sustainability. Explore in this room the educational resources in several SDG-related knowledge domains that can help educational institutions, local governments and companies can leverage the Observatory to best fit the professionals of the future.

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Explore the available open education resources focusing SDG-related topics through interactive data visualisation exposing their stronger SDGs.

The initial datasource includes the UNESCO award-winning MOOC Videolectures.net with over XX recorded and preprocessed lectures on a variety of SDG-related topics.

In this view you can explore the different SDG topics identified in the available open educational resources and their SDG distribution, related to the selected SDG.

The initial datasource includes the UNESCO award-winning MOOC Videolectures.net with over XX recorded and preprocessed lectures on a variety of SDG-related topics.

Review the published research and submitted patents about SDG-related topics, building global knowledge, using interactive data visualisation that can help better refine the search parameters. Use the search bar and the search pointer to explore the available data. Click on the items to access the original data sources.

This is done in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Institute Jozef Stefan, in the context of the European Commission-funded project RAIDO.


The heart beat of entrepreneurship can be the driver for sustainability. Explore in this room the innovation initiatives, from start-ups to living labs, focusing in several SDG-related topics building an ecosystem of initiatives that will enrich the sustainability-focused industrial landscape.

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Explore the topics engaged in the different actors of the existing innovation ecosystem focusing AI and sustainability.

This visualisation is fed by IRCAI’s Top 100 using sophisticated data analytics and machine learning methods.

In this view you can explore the different topics and subtopics related to the existing initiatives focusing specific objectives related to the progress of the selected SDG.

The initial data is sourced at IRCAI’s Top100 initiative, depicting the most relevant AI & SDG initiatives during 2022-24.

Review the content of the initiatives in the ecosystem progressing SDG-related topics, making sense of the related topics using interactive data visualisation that can help better to build fruitful cooperation with SDG focus.